• clicking Apply shape coordinates when no shape is memorized results in a shape the size of the slide
  • clicking Crop to same size with only one picture selected activates cropping mode for that picture
  • for certain shapetypes, the size and rotation of inserted shapes is set based on the shapes that are selected
  • last used OpenAI prompts are saved (to iterate upon)
  • moved or overlapping footnote and source fields can be realigned by clicking the Insert footnote and/ or source-button
  • phases of inserted harvey balls can be cycled-through
  • Save as PDF removes privacy properties from the PDF
  • Shift+click on Interchange shapes swaps the text between shapes instead of swapping the shapes
  • Shift+click on inserting certain shapetypes inserts them next to (instead of under) selected shapes
  • Show/ hide shapes is useful to edit underlying and/ or overlapping shapes
  • stickynotes start with your name (useful when working in teams)
  • the bottom icon of the Insert title circle-dropdown removes the title circle
  • the JTools-ribbon supports Dark mode (please restart PowerPoint if you switch theme)
  • the Paste as plain text-dropdown has a Fix text formatting-option that fixes the text formatting in shape
  • when inserting a table while a shape is selected, the table will fit within that shape
  • you can Find next sticker or Remove all stickers under the Insert todo sticker-dropdown

Are you also wondering why your bullet-formatting is hideous, and others can make it look so professional? This is because PowerPoint takes its default bullet-formatting from the Slide Master and if it has not been properly defined there, it shows. Luckily, defining bullet-formatting is easy:

  • Open a (new) presentation, go to View->Slide Master, and select the topmost slide
  • Define the bullet-formatting in main textbox of that slide. You can define up to 9 bullet-levels
  • If you have more designs in the Slide Master with textboxes, you can define the bullet-formatting in there too. Or you can just remove/ not use those designs

[OVERALL UX]                                                                [TEXT]
 Go to normal view                          Alt + W, L                       Align text left|middle|right                               Ctrl + R|E|L
 Go to slide master view                    Alt + W, M                       Increase|decrease font size                                Ctrl + [|]
 Go to slide sorter view                    Alt + W, I                       Toggle superscript <for footnote>                          Ctrl + Shift + =

 Switch pane                                (Shift +) F6                     Find|replace text                                          Ctrl + F|H
 Toggle distraction free mode               Shift + Ctrl + F1                Select left|right character                                Shift + Left|Right
 Toggle ribbon                              Ctrl + F1                        Select line to beginning|end                               Shift + Home|End
 Toggle rulers                              Alt + Shift + F9                 Select upper|lower paragraph                               Ctrl + Shift + Up|Down
                                                                             Select text to beginning|end                               Ctrl + Shift + Home|End
 Go to slide number #                       # + Enter                        Demote|promote paragraph                                   (Shift +) Tab
 Show next hidden slide                     H                                Move the paragraph up|down                                 Alt + Shift + Up|Down
 Start presenter view (from current slide)  (Shift +) Alt + F5              
 Start slide show (from current slide)      (Shift +) F5                     Change case of selected text                               Shift + F3
 Return to normal mode                      Esc                              Create linebreak                                           Shift + Enter
 Toggle pen                                 Ctrl + P                         Delete word backward|forward                               Ctrl + Backspace|Delete
 Turn screen black|white                    B|W                             
                                                                             Open font dialogbox [on text]                              Ctrl + T
[PRESENTATION]                                                               Open thesaurus [text selected]                             Alt + R, E
 Duplicate current presentation             Ctrl + Shift + N                
 Open presentation                          Ctrl + F12                      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Save current presentation as               F12                             [JTOOLS-SPECIFIC]
                                                                             Insert textbox below (or right) of selection               (Shift +) Ctrl + Alt + T 
[SLIDE]                                                                      Insert rectangle below (or right) of selection             (Shift +) Ctrl + Alt + E 
 Duplicate slide [on slide]                 Ctrl + D                         Insert rounded rectangle below (or right) of selection     (Shift +) Ctrl + Alt + B 
 Insert new slide                           Ctrl + M                         Insert pentagon below (or right) of selection              (Shift +) Ctrl + Alt + G
 Move slide up|down [on slide]              Ctrl + Up|Down                   Insert chevron below (or right) of selection               (Shift +) Ctrl + Alt + N 
 Next|previous slide                        PageUp|PageDown                  Insert solid line below (or right) of selection            (Shift +) Ctrl + Alt + L 
 Zoom in|out                                Ctrl + Mousewheel Up|Down        Insert harveyball below (or right) of selection            (Shift +) Ctrl + Alt + Y
                                                                             Insert todo sticker                                        Ctrl + Alt + Z 
[SHAPE]                                                                      Find next sticker                                          Ctrl + Alt + =
 Make|change straight line                  Add|Select line + Shift          Paste plain text                                           Ctrl + Alt + K
 Move shape backward|forward                Ctrl + Shift + [|]               Fix text formatting                                        Ctrl + Alt + J

 Resize (in small steps) shape from center  (Ctrl +) Shift + Arrow           Cycle shape type                                           Ctrl + Alt + ;
 Resize proportionally (from center)        (Ctrl +) Shift + Drag            Cycle harveyballs                                          Ctrl + Alt + ,
 (Un)group shapes                           (Shift +) Ctrl + G               Cycle transparency                                         Ctrl + Alt + .
                                                                             Toggle shadow                                              Ctrl + Alt + /
 Copy|paste (formatting)                    Shift + Ctrl + C|V               Set same rounded or angled corners                         Ctrl + Alt + O
 Duplicate shape [on shape]                 Ctrl + D                         Set same height|width                                      Ctrl + Alt + H|W
 Paste special                              Ctrl + Alt + V                   Crop (to same size)                                        Ctrl + Alt + R

 Enter|exit shape (for editing text)        F2|Esc                           Swap (text between) two shapes                             (Shift +) Ctrl + Alt + I
 Move shape horizontally / vertically       Ctrl + Drag                      Memorize|apply shape coordinates                           Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C|V
 Select multiple shapes                     Ctrl + Left click                Hide selected shapes|show all shapes                       Ctrl + Alt + [|]

 Repeat previous command                    F4                               Save as clean PDF                                          Ctrl + Alt + P
                                                                             Save selected slides                                       Ctrl + Alt + S
 Open format shape pane [on shape]          Alt + H, O                       Move slide to OUT                                          Ctrl + Alt + Down